Sunday, September 19, 2010

KC and Cheetah

Well KC will be 11 months on September 20. I got the ok from the person I am buying equipment from(who has competed in agility for EVER!)that I could start weave entries with KC. So today I took her out to some weave entries. Man,She catches on fast! Just with two poles,I took her outside and as soon as I took her outside she ran right through them. I clicked and treated. She did really well for a first session. I wasnt using a command just doing the entries with me on each side. She did really good.She was driving forward and was running through them(not walking). One time she single-stepped just the two poles but it was awesome:)Im hoping to get some weave wires soon, so I can train her with those insted of luring,I might do channels or 2x2's tho. I don't know yet. I only did about 5 reps. Eventullly,yes I did add the command and she knows it now. Im hoping to work hard on entries. I dont think she will miss any, but i have to work on the other side too. She has to learn to weave with me on ethier side.
Then I did a sequence, because of how much energy she had. She diid good on thatbut got distracted by the cat >:(

Cheetah has been doing entries too. She knows them well so i put a third pole on. She did really well with that. I didint even have to lure her:) Im so proud of Cheetah. She is being very good.

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