Sunday, May 9, 2010

KC agility 5/9/10

Well this is KC's third time outside and might I say...DANG! There were lots of distractions. Lawn mowers going, wood cracking, my dad walking around, the other dogs barking. It was just so loud outside and she was focused on me and only missed one obstacle every once awhile. The sequence was rather easily since she is only 7 months old but anyways it was three jumps in a diagonal-ish line with a curved tunnel. I was amazed at how fast she was running for how small the agility area is... She listened to me and came when she was callled(major thing because she seems to be deaf sometimes xD) Then without moving any jumps i changed the sequence to see how she would react. So now the seqeunce was the three jumps and the tunnel in the same spot but after the third jump she would have to "warp" around the jump to her left and go back over the other two before I clicked and treat. She did that amazing too. Caught on quickly and didn't make a mistake for that. It was one of the best practice i have ever had ESPECIALLY with the distractions and a very timid dog...:)
Sorry no video or pics because camera is broken.

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