Friday, October 22, 2010


Yes the title is true. Lol KC turned 12 months old on October 20,2010.

We did a little agility tonight too..I did one sequence: Jump, Channel Weaves,jump, curved tunnel, jump, double jump. She nailed it, like she alwasy does :P I wanted to do only one because i wanted to do running contacts in a 5 minute session. Her running contacts are awesome. I switched her again because her 2o2o was not very good on the board with the slats but on the stairs it was fine..??? I think it was the slats but anyways, she has been doing amazing on her running contacts...
She was missing them on a flat board but when I raised the board up 4 inches for fun she was hitting them 100%. I am so proud of my little weirdo.

*Video coming soon*