Monday, December 13, 2010

My New Dream!

Lol. So Along with my agility field(which im going to save up money for!) I found soemthing else...

The competition Dog Walk from Affordable Agility <3
Ahhh I want it so badly. Too Bad I only have like $100.. only $1,525 more dollars till it is MINE! Oh and then shipping. I better be babysitting a lot from now on!

Oh and I also LOVE MAD Agility's Dogwalk too.
Much cheaper.!

Which do I want?

Friday, October 22, 2010


Yes the title is true. Lol KC turned 12 months old on October 20,2010.

We did a little agility tonight too..I did one sequence: Jump, Channel Weaves,jump, curved tunnel, jump, double jump. She nailed it, like she alwasy does :P I wanted to do only one because i wanted to do running contacts in a 5 minute session. Her running contacts are awesome. I switched her again because her 2o2o was not very good on the board with the slats but on the stairs it was fine..??? I think it was the slats but anyways, she has been doing amazing on her running contacts...
She was missing them on a flat board but when I raised the board up 4 inches for fun she was hitting them 100%. I am so proud of my little weirdo.

*Video coming soon*

Sunday, September 19, 2010

KC and Cheetah

Well KC will be 11 months on September 20. I got the ok from the person I am buying equipment from(who has competed in agility for EVER!)that I could start weave entries with KC. So today I took her out to some weave entries. Man,She catches on fast! Just with two poles,I took her outside and as soon as I took her outside she ran right through them. I clicked and treated. She did really well for a first session. I wasnt using a command just doing the entries with me on each side. She did really good.She was driving forward and was running through them(not walking). One time she single-stepped just the two poles but it was awesome:)Im hoping to get some weave wires soon, so I can train her with those insted of luring,I might do channels or 2x2's tho. I don't know yet. I only did about 5 reps. Eventullly,yes I did add the command and she knows it now. Im hoping to work hard on entries. I dont think she will miss any, but i have to work on the other side too. She has to learn to weave with me on ethier side.
Then I did a sequence, because of how much energy she had. She diid good on thatbut got distracted by the cat >:(

Cheetah has been doing entries too. She knows them well so i put a third pole on. She did really well with that. I didint even have to lure her:) Im so proud of Cheetah. She is being very good.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Cheetah and KC Agility

Yay cold-ish weather. I went outside and did some agility(duhhh) and it was entertianing. Mostly because of school I havent been able to do agility everyday:/ so KC has more energy when I go to take her outside, so she dosn't listen as well.. I did a kinda odd course.Today. KC dosn't like rear crosses at all so I have been trying to work on those and every once is a while she will let me do one but she just dosnt let me cross. She jumps up on me ??? She good with tight turns and tunnels but today something must have been up cuz she was slower and was not liking the tunnel, although it was under a slide like it would be under an aframe..I also raised her jump height up 1 inch. She was doing jumping 7 inches she is now jumping 8, or 9 8.5 i think.

Cheetah is awesome. She is doing really well. We do quick sessions. Same course as KC just made easier. She likes me on her outside. it so uncomfortable...Sometimes she lets me go on her inside but only sometimes. More stuff to work on...

Well overall it was a great session :D

Sunday, August 22, 2010

KC And Cheetah Agility 7/22/10

^Heres the Course...

So this morning i had tryouts for softball..Then A birthday but when i got home I found time to do some agility with KC and Cheetah. yes, Cheetah. My i year old Golden. She didnt like agility much at first but now she has started to like it so i have been doing short sessions to keep her in it. She as been doing amazing. She has already done her foundation work(i think that was what bored her :P )
So Today i brought her out to a course that i got out of a book xD. ifthe picture works...
I did a rear cross when i sent KC or Chetah into the tunnel then did a far away call over the two jumps. They both got it. Cheetah had her entries on the tunnel at the beginningthen at the end...She started losing em.. We'll get there..eventully.
KC was fast and let me cross behind her(YES!) and all round she did really good. Im glad she has starting listening to me better. She dosnt get with jumps how I am supposed to cross behind her >.< This is why I need classes. Ahhhhhhhhhhh hahah lol

zthats my blog entry for today. Mwahahaha

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Go" Command

I took KC out for some work on the "go" command. She did really well for her first time. I set up one jump with a target after it, full of treats. I told her go and sent her over the jump. She did awesome at that after about 5-10 reps I added a second jump and same thing with a target. She did awesome over that too so i justended the go session there but i had a thrid jump set up turned the other direction so she would have to make a distance turn for a sequence and I thought about trying it. She did really good at taking the jump btu not at a distance xD We need mroe distance work xD

Then today, i took her out again just thinking of adding a third jump and doing a 3 minute session. Well i added the third jump with the target and she did it amazing the first time, so I did a few more reps and BOOM I could stand by my swingset(10-15 feet away) and tell her go-go-go and move around behind her(rear cross, just to see if she would notice)but I stayed back a ltttle so it was still distance and she did the three jumps at top speed<3
I thought sweet I could add a tunnel. So i added a tunnel Said, "go-go-go tunnel" and she took the three jumps and went around the tunnel for the treats. Which she should not have gotton... After another try she did the same thihng so I put her behind the third jump and told her, "go, tunnel" and she did it fine for a few reps so I moved her back to the second jump and boom she went around the tunnel again... More work on that too. Haha

For only two days of work I think she did really well. Sorry for long post.

Friday, August 13, 2010

KC July/August training

Working MAJORLY on contacts. She needs to learn to stay on a narrow board. Was doing running contacts but recently switched to 2o2o. We are working on the switch big time.

I also need some distance work xD. We ahve to work on go. Im going to train it with a tennis ball or a target with treats. If I do the target she will have to learn that go is for evry obstacle.
Classes..Hopefully soon.

And Im trying to concinve my parents(and grandma) to let me make an agility field ethier in my backyardor in my grandma's field. grandma's field could be 100x100 and probalay have room for a playyard. But my bro wants to use it for a dirt bike track. :/ hmmmm We'll have to spilt it in half or I better raise some money so so I can so I canbuy all the suppilies and whatnot before he can get dirt :) hehe Im so sneeky..Not really. Hah Keep you updated sorry its been so long.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oliver Agility 6/30/10 and KC update

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Oliver did some training today and must I say....I LOVE THIS DOG!

We did a short 4 obstacle sequence And he blow threw it. He only refused a jump once and missed one or two a few times. His speed was amazing!!!! What I love about training him is he is so easy to train! He always has fun! I hope I can trial him sometime this summer. I think he thinks of agility as a game(which is good

He also started to learn the weave poles today!!!!!! We worked on his enteries. He has worked on those many times before and of course this was after all the running so he was tired but he still did them. He was doing soooo good that I decided to add the third pole. For his first time EVER doing three poles he did....A-MA-ZING! He did them by himself the first time ever doing three poles:O. It was amazing. So I switched sides to see if he would do them with me on the other side and he did! Enteries were perfect and he stayed in the poles to the end. Which is easy because there were just 3 poles but still. I think we hvae a good agility career ahead of us.

KC got fixed about 2 weeks ago and is off agility for about another week because she has a bump around her insion and she cut it open the other night:( Really KC? So Oliver training video hopefully coming soon!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

KC agility 5/9/10

Well this is KC's third time outside and might I say...DANG! There were lots of distractions. Lawn mowers going, wood cracking, my dad walking around, the other dogs barking. It was just so loud outside and she was focused on me and only missed one obstacle every once awhile. The sequence was rather easily since she is only 7 months old but anyways it was three jumps in a diagonal-ish line with a curved tunnel. I was amazed at how fast she was running for how small the agility area is... She listened to me and came when she was callled(major thing because she seems to be deaf sometimes xD) Then without moving any jumps i changed the sequence to see how she would react. So now the seqeunce was the three jumps and the tunnel in the same spot but after the third jump she would have to "warp" around the jump to her left and go back over the other two before I clicked and treat. She did that amazing too. Caught on quickly and didn't make a mistake for that. It was one of the best practice i have ever had ESPECIALLY with the distractions and a very timid dog...:)
Sorry no video or pics because camera is broken.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

KC is 1/2 yr old.

KC turned 6 months old on April 20, 2010 but I didn't post. Lol I forgot. We havent being doing much agility latly since she has been sick(upset stomach) and the Michigan weather >.<
Maybe I will have to go to the agility barn this weekned...even tho I would rather stay home. KC is so big now too.. 19 1/2 inches:O

Friday, April 9, 2010


Okay so this is my first blog on my new blog! Later on you will see updates on KC's foundation and agility training. I will be starting up agility with Cheetah and Jack. Oliver is doing some agility but will not compete. So I have three dogs at my house right now! Two are on the picture for my heading. Wow it is a big picture too:) KC and Cheetah are on the title(header) picture.

~MV'S Stand On It~
Calll Name: KC
D.O.B: 10/20/09
Breed:Australian Shepherd
Titles Earned: None at this time

Call Name: Cheetah
D.O.B: 7/4/09
Breed:Golden Retriever
Titles Earned: None at this time

~Millstones Jack memories of Sammy Jammy~
Call name: Jack or Jack-Jack
D.O.B: 12/22/09
Breed: Golden Retriever
Titles Earned: None at this time

Rainbow Bridge
~Sammy Jammy~
Call Name: Sammy, Sam, SamSam, Sammy Jammy, Bebop
Breed:Golden Retriever
November 4,2009-January 25,2010
Just a little puppy who died young and didn't get to live his life to the fullest.

~Sadie Madonna~
Call Name:Sadie
Breed:Golden Retriever
May 1,1999-October 12,2009
My first dog and so far the best dog I will ever have. I love you Sadie<3

Oka so those are my dogs! I also train my grandma's dog Oliver jst for fun.
Thanks for checking out my blog. More posts to come!